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Workers pick strawberries in Salinas.
Workers pick strawberries in Salinas.

Will new policies include
agricultural plastic sheeting?

We are told that, due to China’s no longer buying our single-use plastic for recycled use, many or all garbage collectors will no longer accept single-use plastic bags in their recycling bins.

While the numbers of plastic bags are significant, I am far more concerned that these new policies will also include other single-use plastic sheeting. What is to become of the literally tens of thousands of acres of black plastic sheeting that is used to cover rows of strawberries in the Salinas Valley alone?

From any elevated vantage point, a view down the valley is almost like looking out over the sea, the sun reflecting off of countless square miles of reflecting plastic, and I think I can safely assume that a few hundred thousand acres are similarly covered elsewhere in the state.

I believe that this sheeting has been recycled, but what will happen to it from here on? Landfills?

Dale Bartoletti

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