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Q: Sometimes in trying to explain things, you confuse them more by not explaining rules or definitions up front. I know you only have so much space but here are my confusions on the column on right turns.

What exactly is a free red light? Explain the differences between red light on left, red light on right, and red light on left and right. Some intersections I am looking at three lights, so what is the rule there? And are these lights arrows or just lights?

David Singletary, Gilroy

A: Usually they are solid lights. But …

Q: I found your explanation on “free right turns” confusing and incomplete. The DMV handbook states:

“You may make a right turn without stopping if the road you are turning onto has a non-merging lane dedicated to right turning vehicles, and there is no sign to prohibit a free right turn. You may proceed without stopping, even if there is a red traffic signal light located within the island for vehicles proceeding through the intersection.

“If there is a traffic signal light or sign on the right curb of the right turn lane, you must follow the directions of that traffic signal light or sign. Always yield to pedestrians within a crosswalk.”

I find it most egregious when vehicles turn right and do not yield to oncoming traffic or pedestrians.

Leonard Kwiatkowski

A: That is essentially what I wrote, and a person who qualifies as an expert agrees.

Q: Your article was excellent about “State’s rules about free right turns can prove confusing.”

I have been teaching driver training for over 40 years but have never had right turns on a red light broken down so definitively. It is true that most drivers do not distinguish the difference between stoplights to their left or their right when making a right turn. Your description should be used in the California Driver Handbook. It is straight forward and easy to understand.

Don Meyer, Economic Driving School

A: I thought so, too. The rule is this: If there are no lights or signs to your right as you turn, it’s a free right. Proceed with caution and yield if necessary.

Q: First in the morning, I give the cat his prednisone. Then I give the dog his thyroid pill. And then I read Mr. Roadshow. But last Sunday, I only did two of those three. No Mr. Roadshow. Are you dropping your Sunday column? Please say it ain’t so.

John LaLonde, Pacific Grove

A: It’s ain’t so. Someone messed up and that someone was — yikes — me. I inserted the wrong coding. But I bet your cat and dog didn’t care.

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